1.hit the books(开始用功)学习to study or begin studying very intensely informal

Richard and I are hitting the books. We need to study for the big exam.


2.cram(为应考等)强化学习 to prepare for a test, exam, etc., by learning a lot of information quickly often+for


It's more important for you to be sharp than for you to be cramming before your test.


3.knuckle down下苦功to begin to work hard at sth

With just days to go until the final exams, kids on both sides of the educational divide are knuckling down.


4.buckle down开始努力to start to work hard

Americans of all stripes buckled down, rolled up their sleeves, and worked to bring this country back.


4.apply yourself努力(工作、学习)to make yourself work hard in order to complete sth successfully

If you apply yourself, you might be able to finish the project on time.

美剧绝命毒师的老白给小粉的试卷评语 Ridiculous! Apply yourself.